Overview of TIBCO components
TIB/Hawk Display is
an application for viewing and managing TIB/Hawk objects on a network. You use
TIB/Hawk Display to discover TIB/Hawk Agents that are running, and to create
configuration objects such as rules and schedules that can be stored locally or
on the network. TIB/Hawk Display also allows you to communicate with the
microagents that respond to instructions or rules on each agent machine.
While monitoring or
performing management tasks, TIB/Hawk Display communicates with TIB/Hawk Agents
on your network. A TIB/Hawk Agent receives the alerts and uses a microagent to
do the work.
Like other TIB/Hawk
product components, TIB/Hawk Display is location-independent. One or more
instances of the application can run on any machine on your network, and each
can show the same view of objects and events. TIB/Hawk Display is also
platform-independent, so an instance running on one platform can monitor the
events on any other platform supported by TIB/Hawk.
2.2 TIB/HAWK Agents
and Microagents
TIB/HAWK agent is a
process that monitors activity on a particular machine by processing loaded
rulebases. They send regular messages that broadcast their identity and active
state. The TIB/Hawk Display application listens for TIB/Rendezvous messages
from agents and maps the agents it has detected.
The agent makes use
of the managed objects on its local machine using microagents. Microagents
represent managed objects such as networks or applications. Each microagent
consists of a set of methods to the agent that the agent uses to collect
information and take action. A set of default microagents is included when you
install TIB/Hawk software. These lists of microagents vary depending on the
operating system and some standard microagents get installed in every platform.
A rulebase is a
collection of rules that contain management logic. Several default rulebases
get installed with TIB/Hawk software for general monitoring activities.
A rulebase can be
loaded on a single agent, on a group of agents, or on every agent in the
network. These rules monitor different parameters of an operation system and
perform the tasks. The rules in a rulebase should be related to make the
administration simpler. A particular application can be monitored by multiple
rules in a rulebase each one issuing different alerts based on the test
When you start
TIB/HAWK display, the display would be in icon view in which the containers are
displayed in standard icons. Then the network nodes are arranged in a tree of
containers. By clicking the container in the left pane displays the items based
on the subnet or location whichever we choose which can be done in preferences
options in the right pane. When you start the HAWK display the agents container
is empty initially which keeps discovering till all the nodes are found. Both
the icons for the agents and discovered are green in color initially. You can
have rulebases also in the containers display in the left pane. The
repositories can also be included if we are maintaining them in our network.
The color of the agents, discovered and rulebases change based on the alert
messages or the heartbeat of the agents.
The icon color also
changes based on the alerts found in each of the agent. By default an icon can
have six different colors each color stating different meaning.
Default Color
Alert level meaning
agent was discovered but currently no heartbeat message is being received.
The lack of response could mean the agent is not running, the agent machine
is down, or a network communication
least one high-level alert is active.
least one medium-level alert is active.
least one low-level alert is active.
agent is recovering. At least one alert was active within the last 30 minutes
(default), but any active alerts were recently
or suspended.
alerts are in effect.
These alert level
colors can also be changed in the Preferences dialog. Please refer TIBCO
documentation for TIBCO HAWK to get the detailed explanation on how to change
the preferences.
Each container icon
is split horizontally into two equal sections. The upper section represents all
the agents in the container, and is always in a single color. This color
reflects the highest level of alert found on any agent. The lower section shows
the distribution of each alert level on the network.
Alerts are messages
an agent sends to TIB/Hawk Display when a specified test condition occurs.
Alerts initiate from rulebases that enforce your monitoring logic. In TIB/HawkDisplay, the colors of each agent and container icon will show alert levels,
and the Alert Display window shows alert details for a particular agent or all
To view alert messages
for an agent:
1. Arrange TIB/HawkDisplay so that the agent to view alerts for appears on the right.
2. Right-click on
the agent icon and select “Show Alerts” from the menu.
The Alert Display
window displays messages for the selected agent as below:
The Alert Display
shows alert and notification messages. When a test with an Alert or some
notifying action becomes true, TIB/Hawk Display receives the message unless
advanced options delay it.
Each line in the
Alert Display represents a single message published by a TIB/Hawk Agent.
However, a single condition can generate multiple alert messages and other
actions, depending on how the rule is designed in the rulebase.
To see the active
alerts for which the action needs to be taken yet Active alerts radio button
needs to be checked. To see the detailed information about any alert, you need
to double click on any alert. After checking the alert detail, Done button
needs to be clicked.
An alert message
can be temporarily cleared manually by suspending an alert message to prevent
it from interfering with other monitoring tasks. This suspension can be done if
the alert is continuously interrupting other monitoring tasks and if the
problem is being resolved. You need to provide the reason for suspending an
alert which will be visible to everyone who is using the HAWK display.
To suspend an
Open the Alert Detail dialog by
double-clicking the alert to suspend.
Click the “Suspend Alert” button.
Specify a suspension interval by selecting
a value from the dropdown list or typing a different value. The default value
is 60 minutes.
Type a reason for suspension to communicate
to other users in the Alert Detail dialog.
Click “OK” button.
Alerts are cleared
when the alert condition, as defined by the rulebase, does not exist anymore.
Alerts generated by tests on synchronous data sources, which deliver data at
fixed intervals, are cleared by default at the first test repetition when the
condition no longer holds. Alerts generated by tests on asynchronous data
sources, which deliver data when it becomes available, are cleared by default
when the test does not evaluate to true for 15 minutes. You can modify this
default behavior using advanced test and action properties in the rule.